Collection: Acid dyes
I have bought a small batch of acid dyes from British Kemtex.
The acid dyes work for all animal fibers, such as wool, silk, alpaca, etc.
The acid colors adhere with heat and acid. Use citric acid or vinegar. Always make sure to protect yourself with the right kind of breathing mask, gloves and safety glasses.
Any pans, tools, etc., that you use when dyeing must under no circumstances be used for cooking after you have used them for dyeing. One tip is to find cheap pans at flea markets. Stainless steel is preferred.
Be careful not to pour residual paint down the drain. I usually have an extra skein of yarn that can pick up the color washed off surfaces, tools, etc. The paint can be saved in bottles for later.
Start by washing the wool thoroughly. This is especially important if the wool is untreated. Some fibers need at least a day to be really soaked and able to receive color in a good way. Silk is one such material.
When you have washed the yarn, it is ready to dye. Good luck!