Free Shipping when you shop for at least SEK 1500
News 2022-01-20
Shipping is expensive, both for you and for me. But I want to make an attempt to offer free shipping on slightly higher purchase amounts.
Shop for at least SEK 1500 and get free shipping. I will continue with this for some time to come and then evaluate.
If you are keen on the secret yarn, there is a waiting list to join. Those who were at the top of the list, as it looked now, got a place already the following month. There are 20 places and you keep your place as long as you participate. Send an email to info@frufjellman.se and say that you want to get on the waiting list. February is full of I'm now filling up on March's secret yarn. March's secret yarn is sent out at the end of February.
In the picture you see the secret yarn for January.